Few Birds don't make an autumn?(No apologies for misquote?)
Here we are taking a closer look at shobha de's views and her social watching. If she's reading this so much the better for her and if she isn't so much the worse.The subtitle can be recast as a part whole confusion or over generalization ( There are many other recasts). Be that as it may let's see what is the content of the template.
Since according to jyoti Shobha is a social watcher let's begin by asking which society is she watching? The one in the music show video ?show and the fashion show?
My god what a way to watch society!
Let's ask this question--what percentage of the society does she monitor? (the video society.. as
percent of total society) -I am assuming that by society she means Indian society and not the society where stays or of which she is a member.What happens to the rickshaw puller youth, the barber,the maids son and countless such others.Shobha would be better off with a few lessons on how to watch society.I know of several youth (young ladies and gentlemen) well educated,
decent income, fully at home with modernity, who would rather go for arranged marriages ( some want nothing less than their own subcaste e.g A mathur wanting only a mathur-saxena is unacceptable, go to the temples and are repectful of elders.
Some want to join IAS to make their pile on the sly.
So much for the view that the so called gen i beleives in dismantling old views.
Attitude is the stance(position or stand) on a given issue/person/organization and is in general of the form Attitude towards X. e.g What is your attitude towards X?For X you can fill in Shobha (Answer = irreverence) For X you can fill in X= live in relation/premarital sex...
Unfortunately the word attitude has been hijacked by the likes of shobha and jyoti to to promote videos, fashions and such like.So much for the ATTIDUDEs/ATTIDUDESSes
Altitudes and Antidotes
I would urge the twosome to pray 'Thodisi to lift kara de' (Does that ring a bell? Too bad if it doesn't) , rise to higher altitudes in their attitudes towards society and take mind deconstruction as an antidote to cliches.
Is irreverence acceptable?
Irreverence as an end in itself and for itself is totally unacceptable. Disgusting to find unqualified advocacy of irreverence ('irreverence is the absolute priority of the young'). Irreverence as pointed out above is an attitude to be adopted in order not to get cowed down by Authority if need be. The focus is the issue not irreverence (so sorry the twosome once again
mislead the youth). In otherwards irreverence for a good cause is totally acceptable. Examples Russell, galileo in the west or shankaracharya/Buddha here in India and countless others.
Why are attempts to break away not successful?
As I often keep repeating , care about it? take it warts and all. If society watching for the twosome is like birdwatching (amorous connotations not excluded) then the following is redundant. If it isn't it would help.
Come on the two of you arise and awake and look below from high altitude.
- How many youth?
- What are their social,financial,educational and personal constraints?
- How many of these can actually think for temeselves?
- Is it irrelevence that is relevant or societal values?
- .....
I do hope and pray the twosome stop patting each other's backs blindly and give better leadership to youth than 'irrelevence(irreverence) is top priority'.
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